beliebteste spanische mädchennamen süßes-kleines-Mädchen-essend-traditionelle-spanische-süßigkeit

The most popular Spanish girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Spanish female baby names. It ranges from traditional Spanish girls' names to more modern Spanish girl names up to common Spanish girl names and the most popular first names for girls in Spain over the last 100 years. 

Spanish girls' names - they see her rollin'

When we talk about Mercedes, you might ask yourself: "What does a German car brand have to do with an article about Spanish girls' names? Is my search engine broken? I'm looking for inspiration or need a name suggestion, not four wheels."

Although we at Lottili good motors (especially for Baby Hammock ), we are talking here about the Spanish maiden name. The name Mercedes is of Spanish origin and derives from the Latin word merces which means 'reward' or 'recompense'. So in this sense, it is only the shiny meaning that corresponds to the shiny exterior of Mercedes cars. And while we're on the subject of car analogies, the name rolls off the tongue easily, doesn't it?

Traditional Spanish girls' names

Can you hear the gentle tapping in the distance? It's the rhythm of the many flamenco dances that characterize Spain's culture, accompanied by the melodic sounds of traditional Spanish girls' names. In the following list you will find some of these names, along with their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AlbaMorgendämmerung, Tagesanbruch
CarmenGarten oder Lied
DoloresSchmerzen oder Klagen
IsabellaGott ist mein Eid
Maríabitter oder Wasser des Lebens
TeresaErnte oder Sommer

Even though the traditional Spanish girls' names listed above are often strongly inspired by the Bibleyou almost automatically feel like the famous emoji of the woman in the red dress with one of these names - even without being a believer. A girl can dream, and dance.

Modern Spanish girls' names

No rhythm? No problem! There are also many short Spanish girls' namesthat will hardly challenge your language skills. Below you'll find some modern Spanish girls' names and their meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AdrianaHerkunft aus der Stadt Adria
ElenaFackel oder Licht
RafaelaGott hat geheilt
Valeriastark oder gesund

Sometimes it doesn't take a dance to immerse yourself in the art of Spanish names. With the modern Spanish girl names listed above Spanish parents add a great deal of verve to birth certificates, but only need a few steps and syllables. 

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Common Spanish Girl Names

Although Flora and Fauna are originally Latin terms, they have clearly found their way into the Spanish vocabulary. It is therefore not surprising, that many Spanish girls' names have meaningsassociated with the impressive nature of Spain. In the following list you will find some of the most common Spanish girls' namesthat will make all bearers blossom.

Name Bedeutung
Alejandradie Beschützerin
CarmenGarten oder Lied
DoloresSchmerzen oder Klagen
ElenaFackel oder Licht
IsabelGott ist mein Eid
Maríabitter oder Wasser des Lebens
TeresaErnte oder Sommer

Whether seedling or girl: Everything big starts small. And with the popular Spanish girls' names listed above, you'll definitely kill two birds with one stone - in the spirit of biodiversity.

Most popular Spanish girls' names of the last 100 years

The fact that Mercedes-Benz was founded almost 100 years ago illustrates just how much can happen in a century. Nevertheless, the Spanish name Mercedes has proven to be a timeless classic on the street of names over the years, just like many other Spanish girls' names that are also among the top names. The most popular of these Spanish girls' names from the last 100 years are listed below.

Name Bedeutung
Beatrizdie Glückliche
CarmenGarten oder Lied
Claudialahm oder hinkend
DoloresSchmerzen oder Klagen
ElenaFackel oder Licht
GabrielaGott ist meine Stärke
IsabelGott ist mein Eid
JuanaGott ist gnädig
Maríabitter oder Wasser des Lebens
Martadie Herrin
MercedesGnade oder Barmherzigkeit
Raqueldas Schaf
TeresaErnte oder Sommer
Verónicadie wahre Ikone

While many things get better over time, cars may not always be the best example of this. Fortunately, however, Spain is home to many other things - like wine, cheese and girls' names - that show that the past has its value too.

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Our top 100 Spanish girls' and women's names with meaning for your name search

If you haven't liked any of our Spanish girls' names so far, we have 100 more Spanish female baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
Abrilder April, der Frühling
Adoradie Verehrte, die Begehrte
Aguedadie Gutherzige
AlbaMorgendämmerung, Tagesanbruch
Aldaradie Edle
Alejandradie Beschützerin
Almadie Seele
Amaradie Unsterbliche
Anaisdie Anmutige
Ariadnadie Heilige
Aitanadie Ruhmreiche
Beatrizdie Glückliche
Belindadie Schöne
Biancadie Weiße
Camiladie Junge
Carolinadie Freie
Celestehimmlisch, der Himmel
Claraklar, hell
Constanzabeständig, konstant
Cristinadie Christin
DaliaGlück, Schicksal
DanielaGott ist mein Richter
ElianaTochter der Sonne
Fernandadie Kühne, Beschützerin
Franciscadie kleine Französin
GabrielaGott ist meine Stärke
Genovevadie Weiße
Inésrein, heilig
JosefinaGott fügt hinzu
Lucianadas Licht
Macarenader Ort der Olivenbäume
ManuelaGott ist mit uns
MarisolTochter der Sonne
Matildadie Mächtige
Montserratgezackter Berg
Nuriadas Licht Gottes
Perladie Perle
Raqueldas Mutterschaf
Ramonaweise Beraterin
Valentinastark oder gesund
Verónicawahre Ikone
Almudenader Ort des Weizens
CarmenGarten oder Lied
DoloresSchmerzen oder Klagen
IsabellaGott ist mein Eid
Maríabitter oder Wasser des Lebens
TeresaErnte oder Sommer
AdrianaHerkunft aus der Stadt Adria
ElenaFackel oder Licht
RafaelaGott hat geheilt
Valeriastark oder gesund
CarmenGarten oder Lied
DoloresSchmerzen oder Klagen
ElenaFackel oder Licht
IsabelGott ist mein Eid
Maríabitter oder Wasser des Lebens
TeresaErnte oder Sommer
BeatrizDie Glückliche
CarmenGarten oder Lied
VerónicaDie wahre Ikone

Conclusion on Spanish girls' names

Spanish girls' names are almost like a traditional tapas platter: they're all appealing, but there's always a favorite. Some names just have that special touch of spirit or tradition that you're looking for.

The Bible says "seek and you shall find", and in a religious country like Spain this is especially true. Therefore we are at Lottili eager to find out which Spanish girls' names will find their place at the long table in the near future. But for now: ¡Buen provecho!

Source reference:

Sources for the Spanish name statistics can be found here: 

Frequently asked questions about Spanish girls' and women's names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

How are Spanish girls' names passed down in the family?

In Spanish-speaking countries, it is common for children to have several first names, often one for the religious name and one for the everyday name. Names can also be passed down from grandparents or other family members.

How do Spanish girls' names differ from those in other cultures?

Spanish girls' names can reflect both Christian and cultural influences that differ from names in other cultures. For example, many Spanish names are strongly associated with the Catholic religion, while other cultures have different religious or cultural naming traditions.

How do parents choose a Spanish girl's name?

Choosing a Spanish girls name can be influenced by personal preference, family traditions or meanings of the name. Some parents choose names based on meaning, while others prefer traditional or modern names.

What are the characteristics of Spanish girls' names?

Spanish girls' names are often of Latin origin and have evolved over the centuries in the Spanish language. Many names are sonorous and easy to pronounce, which also makes them attractive in other countries.

What is typical for Spanish girls' names?

Typical of Spanish girls' names are their cultural roots, often based on biblical figures, saints or historical personalities. Many names also have a connection to nature or positive qualities such as strength and grace.

Are there any Spanish girls' names that are named after mythological figures?

Names after Greek goddesses

Afrodita - after the Greek goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite

Artemisa - after the Greek goddess of hunting and the moon Artemis

Atenea - after the Greek goddess of wisdom and the art of war Athena

Hera - after the Greek queen of the gods and patron saint of marriage Hera

Names after nymphs and sea goddesses

Nerea - after the Nereids, the sea nymphs of Greek mythology

Sirena - after the sirens, the mythological creatures with female torsos and fish tails

Thalía - after one of the nine muses of Greek mythology, muse of cheerful song and comedy

Names after Roman goddesses

Diana - after the Roman goddess of the hunt and the moon

Juno - after the Roman queen of the gods and patron saint of marriage

Venus - after the Roman goddess of love and beauty

These names associate Spanish girls with the myths and legends of antiquity and lend them a special aura of beauty, strength and divinity. They are rather unusual and give the wearer a unique character.

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