The most popular Swedish girls' names
In this article you will find a extensive list of Swedish female baby names. It ranges from traditional Swedish girls' names to more modern Swedish girl names up to common Swedish girl names and the most popular first names for girls in Sweden over the last 100 years.
Swedish girls' names - it's a match
When we talk about two bright red pigtails, mismatched stockings, a monkey and a horse you immediately think of... The free-spirited Pippi Longstockingwho challenged social norms for many young children with her strength and independence.
The unconventional children's story of Pippi and her friends was adapted from the famous Swedish author Astrid Lindgren and has certainly made a name for herself in the world of books. And not only there - because both Astrid's name and the names of her characters have since been found on many Swedish birth certificates.
Traditional Swedish girls' names
While many cultures and countries have traditional names with a long series of letters, Swedish parents prefer to keep it simple and short. Or as they call it: Lagomwhich means "just right". In the following list you will find some traditional Swedish girls' names and their respective meanings.
Name | Bedeutung |
Anna | Gnade |
Astrid | Göttlich schön |
Ebba | Stärke |
Elsa | Göttliche Stärke |
Freja | Herrin (benannt nach der nordischen Göttin Freyja) |
Hilma | Schutz |
Ingrid | Schöne Göttin |
Karin | Rein |
Signe | Siegesweg |
Tyra | Göttliche Stärke |
The concept of 'less is more' seems to be deeply rooted in Swedish culture and history, as the above traditional Swedish girls' names listed above show. Because as Pippi also proves, you don't need a complicated name to make an impression.
Modern Swedish girls' names
There's no accounting for taste, but mismatched stockings are not necessarily the epitome of great style. However, the Swedish fashion scene has seen a resurgence in recent years, and in particular Swedish girls in particular have been praised internationally for their great, contemporary looks. In the following list you will find some modern Swedish girls' namesthat are just as fashionable as the outfits of their bearers.
Name | Bedeutung |
Alma | Seele |
Ava | Leben |
Ellie | Licht |
Hanna | Gnade |
Ida | Arbeit oder Fleiß |
Luna | Mond |
Maja | Die Große |
Nora | Licht |
Selma | Sicherer Beschützer |
Siri | Schöne Siegesgöttin |
The modern Swedish girls' names listed above are almost like the Northern LightsYou take a few seemingly modest elements, wrap them in a beautiful coat, and they make a big impact!
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Common Swedish Girl Names
The Swedish girl names listed below are almost as common in a school playground as the likelihood of finding Astrid's books somewhere on the shelves of the same building.
Name | Bedeutung |
Alice | Wahrheit |
Elsa | Göttliche Stärke |
Emma | Ganz oder Universal |
Freyja | Herrin (benannt nach der nordischen Göttin Freyja) |
Hannah | Gnade |
Ida | Arbeit oder Fleiß |
Maja | Die Große |
Nora | Licht |
It is said that a book should not be judged by its cover, but the above Swedish girls' names are a safe choice for any parentlooking for a name for their little girl. Be prepared for duplications in the classroom though!
Most popular Swedish baby girl names of the last 100 years
With environmental awareness becoming more and more important in Sweden, it is to be hoped that Swedish biodiversity is here to stay. Just as was the case in the last century, when many Swedish girls' names and their meanings had their origins in the country's nature. In the following list you will find a overview of the most popular Swedish girls' names of the last 100 years, which also reflect the numerous developments the country has undergone.
Name | Bedeutung |
Alice | von edlem Wesen oder von edler Geburt |
Astrid | göttliche Stärke oder göttlicher Weg |
Beatrice | Glückliche oder Segensreiche |
Elsa | Gottgeweihte oder edle |
Emma | Allumfassende oder Vollständige |
Freja | Göttin der Liebe und Fruchtbarkeit |
Greta | Perle oder Buntblume |
Ingrid | Schöne oder Geliebte |
Karin | Reine oder Reinheit |
Lena | Strahlende oder Glanzvolle |
Maja | Welle oder Königin |
Nora | Lichtbringerin oder Ehre |
Selma | Beschützerin oder Abgeschiedene |
Sigrid | schöne Siegeskraft oder schöne Siegerin |
Stella | Stern oder sternförmig |
Vera | Wahrheit oder Treue |
It is clear that Sweden, like many other countries, has had to open and close many chapters over the last 100 years. The result? The Swedish girls' names listed above, which show how much can change in 'just' a century.

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Our top 100 Swedish girls' names
If you haven't found any of our Swedish girl names we have for you 100 more Swedish female baby names and their meanings for you.
Name | Bedeutung |
Aada | die Adelige |
Agda | die Gute |
Alina | helles Licht |
Alva | die Elfe, Naturgeist |
Anea | die Mutter |
Amira | Prinzessin |
Annbritt | die Begnadete |
Annika | die Anmutige |
Astrid | göttlich schön |
Aprilia | die Aufblühende |
Beatrice | glückliche oder segensreiche |
Birgit | strahlend |
Bodil | die Wiedergutmachende |
Britta | die Erhabene |
Celine | himmlisch |
Cecilia | blind |
Dagmar | der Tag des Meeres |
Dagny | neuer Tag |
Disa | Göttin |
Eira | Schnee |
Elin | die Strahlende |
Elsie | Gott geweiht |
Elvira | weiße Dame |
Fanny | die Freie |
Filippa | Pferdefreundin |
Fiona | weiß |
Freyja | Göttin der Liebe und Fruchtbarkeit |
Gertrud | Speer der Stärke |
Greta | Perle |
Gunilla | Kämpferin |
Hedda | Kriegerin |
Hilda | die Kämpferin |
Ingela | von Ing, auch Yngvi |
Ivana | Gott ist gnädig |
Janna | Gott ist gnädig |
Karita | die Liebenswürdige |
Karolina | frei |
Klara | hell, klar |
Lina | Kurzform von Namen, die auf -lina enden |
Livia | Leben |
Lovisa | berühmte Kriegerin |
Maj | der Monat Mai |
Malin | kleine Apfelblüte |
Miri | das Meer |
Nanna | die Kühne |
Nella | Licht Gottes |
Nerina | das Wasser |
Oda | Reichtum, Wohlstand |
Olena | die Strahlende |
Olga | heilig |
Pernilla | der Fels |
Pia | fromm, gottesfürchtig |
Qina | König |
Quinna | Königin |
Ragna | die Königin, Reiche |
Ragnhild | Beraterin in der Schlacht |
Ronja | die Glänzende |
Runa | Geheimnis |
Sabina | aus Sabinum |
Saga | Geschichte oder Sage |
Sanna | die Ehrliche |
Selina | Mondlicht |
Sessa | Kurzform von Cecilia |
Silja | abgeleitet von Caecilia |
Smilla | Lächeln |
Solveig | Sonnenweg, Kraft des Hauses |
Sophine | Weisheit |
Sunniva | Sonnengeberin, Sonnengeschenk |
Synni | die Sonne |
Tereza | die Geerntete oder die Jägerin |
Teresa | Erntefrau |
Thyra | Schild oder Kriegerin |
Tilda | Mächtige im Kampf |
Tova | gut sein |
Tuva | Klang des Hervorbringens |
Ulrika | reiche Erbin |
Unni | die Liebliche |
Valina | der Falke |
Vendela | Wandel oder Wunderschön |
Vilma | wohlgeformt oder willensstark |
Vilda | wild |
Viveka | kluge, weise Frau |
Vivienne | lebendig |
Wanda | Wandererin |
Xenia | Gastfreundschaft |
Yrla | Wirbelwind |
Ylva | Wolf |
Yva | Eibe |
Zara | Blüte |
Conclusion on Swedish girl names
Known for its deep lakes and high standard of living, Sweden's Swedish girl names reflect exactly that. They are beautifully balanced and both in the traditions and trends of the country.
Swedish girls' names are therefore like a breath of fresh airthat blows through all corners of the country, and we at Lottili can't wait to find out which way this wind will blow in the coming period.
If you want to take the time to look at all the most popular Swedish names, we're happy to provide you with a table of the most popular Swedish names from 1988 to 2021. Simply download the list of Swedish names from Statistics Sweden.
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