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The most popular Swedish girls' names

In this article you will find a extensive list of Swedish female baby names. It ranges from traditional Swedish girls' names to more modern Swedish girl names up to common Swedish girl names and the most popular first names for girls in Sweden over the last 100 years. 

Swedish girls' names - it's a match

When we talk about two bright red pigtails, mismatched stockings, a monkey and a horse you immediately think of... The free-spirited Pippi Longstockingwho challenged social norms for many young children with her strength and independence.

The unconventional children's story of Pippi and her friends was adapted from the famous Swedish author Astrid Lindgren and has certainly made a name for herself in the world of books. And not only there - because both Astrid's name and the names of her characters have since been found on many Swedish birth certificates.

Traditional Swedish girls' names

While many cultures and countries have traditional names with a long series of letters, Swedish parents prefer to keep it simple and short. Or as they call it: Lagomwhich means "just right". In the following list you will find some traditional Swedish girls' names and their respective meanings.

Name Bedeutung
AstridGöttlich schön
ElsaGöttliche Stärke
FrejaHerrin (benannt nach der nordischen Göttin Freyja)
IngridSchöne Göttin
TyraGöttliche Stärke

The concept of 'less is more' seems to be deeply rooted in Swedish culture and history, as the above traditional Swedish girls' names listed above show. Because as Pippi also proves, you don't need a complicated name to make an impression.

Modern Swedish girls' names

There's no accounting for taste, but mismatched stockings are not necessarily the epitome of great style. However, the Swedish fashion scene has seen a resurgence in recent years, and in particular Swedish girls in particular have been praised internationally for their great, contemporary looks. In the following list you will find some modern Swedish girls' namesthat are just as fashionable as the outfits of their bearers.

Name Bedeutung
IdaArbeit oder Fleiß
MajaDie Große
SelmaSicherer Beschützer
SiriSchöne Siegesgöttin

The modern Swedish girls' names listed above are almost like the Northern LightsYou take a few seemingly modest elements, wrap them in a beautiful coat, and they make a big impact!

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Common Swedish Girl Names

The Swedish girl names listed below are almost as common in a school playground as the likelihood of finding Astrid's books somewhere on the shelves of the same building.

Name Bedeutung
ElsaGöttliche Stärke
EmmaGanz oder Universal
FreyjaHerrin (benannt nach der nordischen Göttin Freyja)
IdaArbeit oder Fleiß
MajaDie Große

It is said that a book should not be judged by its cover, but the above Swedish girls' names are a safe choice for any parentlooking for a name for their little girl. Be prepared for duplications in the classroom though!

Most popular Swedish baby girl names of the last 100 years

With environmental awareness becoming more and more important in Sweden, it is to be hoped that Swedish biodiversity is here to stay. Just as was the case in the last century, when many Swedish girls' names and their meanings had their origins in the country's nature. In the following list you will find a overview of the most popular Swedish girls' names of the last 100 years, which also reflect the numerous developments the country has undergone.

Name Bedeutung
Alicevon edlem Wesen oder von edler Geburt
Astridgöttliche Stärke oder göttlicher Weg
BeatriceGlückliche oder Segensreiche
ElsaGottgeweihte oder edle
EmmaAllumfassende oder Vollständige
FrejaGöttin der Liebe und Fruchtbarkeit
GretaPerle oder Buntblume
IngridSchöne oder Geliebte
KarinReine oder Reinheit
LenaStrahlende oder Glanzvolle
MajaWelle oder Königin
NoraLichtbringerin oder Ehre
SelmaBeschützerin oder Abgeschiedene
Sigridschöne Siegeskraft oder schöne Siegerin
StellaStern oder sternförmig
VeraWahrheit oder Treue

It is clear that Sweden, like many other countries, has had to open and close many chapters over the last 100 years. The result? The Swedish girls' names listed above, which show how much can change in 'just' a century.

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Our top 100 Swedish girls' names

If you haven't found any of our Swedish girl names we have for you 100 more Swedish female baby names and their meanings for you.

Name Bedeutung
Aadadie Adelige
Agdadie Gute
Alinahelles Licht
Alvadie Elfe, Naturgeist
Aneadie Mutter
Annbrittdie Begnadete
Annikadie Anmutige
Astridgöttlich schön
Apriliadie Aufblühende
Beatriceglückliche oder segensreiche
Bodildie Wiedergutmachende
Brittadie Erhabene
Dagmarder Tag des Meeres
Dagnyneuer Tag
Elindie Strahlende
ElsieGott geweiht
Elviraweiße Dame
Fannydie Freie
FreyjaGöttin der Liebe und Fruchtbarkeit
GertrudSpeer der Stärke
Hildadie Kämpferin
Ingelavon Ing, auch Yngvi
IvanaGott ist gnädig
JannaGott ist gnädig
Karitadie Liebenswürdige
Klarahell, klar
LinaKurzform von Namen, die auf -lina enden
Lovisaberühmte Kriegerin
Majder Monat Mai
Malinkleine Apfelblüte
Miridas Meer
Nannadie Kühne
NellaLicht Gottes
Nerinadas Wasser
OdaReichtum, Wohlstand
Olenadie Strahlende
Pernillader Fels
Piafromm, gottesfürchtig
Ragnadie Königin, Reiche
RagnhildBeraterin in der Schlacht
Ronjadie Glänzende
Sabinaaus Sabinum
SagaGeschichte oder Sage
Sannadie Ehrliche
SessaKurzform von Cecilia
Siljaabgeleitet von Caecilia
SolveigSonnenweg, Kraft des Hauses
SunnivaSonnengeberin, Sonnengeschenk
Synnidie Sonne
Terezadie Geerntete oder die Jägerin
ThyraSchild oder Kriegerin
TildaMächtige im Kampf
Tovagut sein
TuvaKlang des Hervorbringens
Ulrikareiche Erbin
Unnidie Liebliche
Valinader Falke
VendelaWandel oder Wunderschön
Vilmawohlgeformt oder willensstark
Vivekakluge, weise Frau

Conclusion on Swedish girl names

Known for its deep lakes and high standard of living, Sweden's Swedish girl names reflect exactly that. They are beautifully balanced and both in the traditions and trends of the country

Swedish girls' names are therefore like a breath of fresh airthat blows through all corners of the country, and we at Lottili can't wait to find out which way this wind will blow in the coming period.

If you want to take the time to look at all the most popular Swedish names, we're happy to provide you with a table of the most popular Swedish names from 1988 to 2021. Simply download the list of Swedish names from Statistics Sweden.

Source information:

Statistics Sweden

Frequently asked questions about Swedish women's and girls' names

Here are some more answers to questions you might be interested in on this topic

Are there special rules for naming in Sweden? 

There are certain legal requirements for naming in Sweden. For example, names must not be offensive or ridiculous. Names should also not evoke negative associations and should respect the identity of the child.

Is there a name database that can be used to choose a Swedish name? 

Yes, the Swedish Naming Rights Agency and the Central Statistical Office maintain databases that list names and their frequency. These databases can provide useful information about the popularity of names.

Are there regional differences in naming in Sweden? 

Yes, there are regional differences. Certain names may be more popular in different parts of Sweden than in others. Old Swedish dialects and traditions also influence the choice of name.

How has naming developed historically in Sweden?

Until the 19th century, it was common in Sweden to form surnames from the fathers' first names. The suffix "-son" (son of) was used for boys and "-dotter" (daughter of) for girls. This tradition has changed, so that many of these patronymics are now considered common surnames

What are the trends in Swedish girls' names?

In recent years, some names that used to be popular, such as Astrid and Annika, have receded somewhat. However, newer names such as Freja and Maja are enjoying great popularity. There is also a trend towards short and concise names

What are the characteristics of Swedish girls' names?

Swedish girls' names are often characterized by their simplicity and clarity. Many names are short and have a clear pronunciation, which makes them appealing and easy to remember. They are often inspired by nature or have historical and cultural meanings linked to Nordic mythology

Are there any Swedish girls' names associated with nature?

There are several Swedish girls' names that are associated with nature. Here are some examples:

Names related to nature

AlvaMeans "elf" or "nature spirit" and has a strong connection to nature and mythology.

LinneaNamed after the Linnaea borealis, a Swedish flower species also known as the moss bell.

SunnivaDerived from "sun giver", which has a positive association with the sun and thus with nature.

FrejaThe name of the Norse goddess of love and fertility, who is often associated with nature.

Solveig: Means "sun path" and symbolizes light and warmth, which is also a reference to nature.

MajaA derivation of the name Maria, which is often associated with spring and renewal.

These names reflect the beauty and diversity of Swedish nature and are both sonorous and meaningful.

Which Swedish girls' names are linked to places in Sweden?

There are several Swedish girls' names that are directly linked to places in Sweden. Here are some examples:

Swedish girls' names and their geographical references

SkaraThis name is named after the city of Skara, which is one of Sweden's oldest cities and plays an important role in the country's history.

UppsalaUppsala is a well-known city in Sweden, known for its university and historical significance. The name can be used as a girl's name, although it is less common.

LundAnother city that can be used as a girl's name. Lund is known for its old university and charming old town.

LinköpingThis name also refers to a Swedish city known for its historic old town and Linköpings Domkyrka.

These names show the connection between Swedish culture and geography and can be an interesting choice for parents looking for a name with a local connection.

Are there any Swedish girls' names named after Swedish queens or princesses?

There are several Swedish girls' names that are named after Swedish queens or princesses. Here are some examples:

Names of Swedish queens and princesses

VictoriaAfter Princess Victoria of Sweden, who is the daughter of King Carl XVI Gustaf. The name is very well known in the Swedish royal family.

MadeleineNamed after Princess Madeleine, the younger sister of Crown Princess Victoria.

SilviaAfter Queen Silvia of Sweden, the wife of King Carl XVI Gustaf. Her name is widely used in Sweden.

MargaretaThis name can refer to various historical figures, including Margaret I, Queen of Denmark, Norway and Sweden in the late 14th century.

These names not only have historical significance, but are also popular in modern Swedish naming and have a regal ring to them.

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